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Diagnostic Questions in Mathematics Education

Diagnostic Questions in Mathematics Education

We will continue reflecting on Craig Barton’s book How I Wish I’d Taught Maths on the Smartick blog. Today, we will address the topic of diagnostic questions in mathematics education. Diagnostic Teaching Diagnostic teaching has a long tradition in mathematics education. This approach to teaching mathematics was initially developed in the 1980s, at the University […]

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Mistakes: An Opportunity to Learn

Mistakes: An Opportunity to Learn

Learning From Mistakes In the past, teaching methodologies did not consider the possibility that the student would have to go through a period of making mistakes in order to learn something. This is because it was believed that making a mistake was equivalent to learning. Since the middle of the last century, things have changed. […]

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Characteristics of Purposeful Practice

Characteristics of Purposeful Practice

In this post, we are going to continue with the latest chapter of How I Wish I’d Taught Maths, by Craig Barton, about evidence-based education. Today we will discover a type of activity that can be tailored to both novice and expert learners: purposeful practice. As we have seen in a previous post, deliberate practice […]

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Cognitive Training and Its Application to Improve Dyscalculia Symptoms

Cognitive Training and Its Application to Improve Dyscalculia Symptoms

  At Smartick we have opted to offer math activities and cognitive training games to complement and optimize the math learning experience for children, including those with learning difficulties. In this post, we will talk specifically about dyscalculia, as it is one of the learning disabilities that specifically relates to mathematics. Cognitive Areas Most Affected […]

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Adding Fractions with Different Denominators

Adding Fractions with Different Denominators

We are going to begin this post about adding fractions with three very simple questions: 1. If you had one apple and were given two apples, how many apples do you have now? 2. If you had one apple and were given half an apple, how many apples do you have now? 3. If you […]

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Elementary Geometry – Open Lines

Elementary Geometry – Open Lines

In this post, we are going to discover what an open line is and how it is different from a closed line. We will also see different types of open lines. Before we begin, take a look at this post about straight and curved lines to refresh your memory. Open Lines We know that a […]

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What is Neurodidactics?

What is Neurodidactics?

The term neurodidactics was coined in Germany in 1988 from the fusion of various fields of study such as education, psychology, and neuroscience. This fusion was built from an attempt to understand the aspects of neural development that influence learning. As well as, to use this knowledge to create new methodologies in a classroom and […]

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The Reason for Divisibility Criteria

The Reason for Divisibility Criteria

Sometimes we may be interested in knowing if one number is divisible by another, without having to perform a division. This is especially useful when we work with large numbers that require a lot of time for completing calculations. If you would like to refresh your memory on divisibility criteria, take a look at this […]

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