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Math Can Explain Why 2020 Is a Leap Year

Math Can Explain Why 2020 Is a Leap Year

At Smartick we know that math is behind almost everything, and a leap year is no different. The reasons related to the Julian calendar and subsequent change of the Gregorian calendar are well known. However, the mathematical reasons that determine whether or not a year is a leap year are lesser-known. So, in order to […]

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Working with Venn Diagrams in Smartick

Working with Venn Diagrams in Smartick

In earlier posts, we have learned about set theory and Venn diagrams. Today, we are going to look at some examples of classification using Venn diagrams in Smartick. Attributes The method that we use to understand whether or not the elements that we want to classify meet some characteristics are what we call attributes. The […]

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Lost Objects: The New SmartickBrain Game to Train Attention

Lost Objects: The New SmartickBrain Game to Train Attention

Cognitive Training Games in SmartickBrain If you are part of the Smartick family I’m sure that you are familiar with SmartickBrain, the cognitive training platform designed to improve memory, reasoning, attention, and flexibility. Children can access it after their daily 15-minute session and parents can access it at any time from the Parent Page. SmartickBrain […]

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The Five Stages of Deliberate Practice

The Five Stages of Deliberate Practice

In this post, we continue with our analysis of Craig Barton’s book, How I Wish I’d Taught Maths about evidence-based education. Today we will discuss the chapter about deliberate practice and the five stages that should be followed in order to teach a complex process. When we introduce a complex process, it is necessary to […]

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The Role of Emotions in Learning

The Role of Emotions in Learning

Emotion = Emovere Emotions are a sensation or perception that we feel as the result of something. It is also an impulse to an action. Emotions generate interest and empathy, and they are contagious, personal and nontransferable. They can be fleeting, stable, or lead us to another emotion. We Are Emotional Beings “We evolve, learn, […]

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Worked Examples and Metacognition

Worked Examples and Metacognition

This is the latest post as we continue with our analysis of Craig Barton’s book, How I Wish I’d Taught Maths about evidence-based education. Today we will talk about the chapter that discusses the use of worked examples and their relation to metacognition. Together they are a fundamental element of the learning process. What Are […]

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Number Sense: From Quantities to Numbers

Number Sense: From Quantities to Numbers

Number Sense When speaking about mathematics most people think it is the ability to count, add and subtract numbers, or the ability to solve complex math equations. But, what comes before counting and the ability to recognize numbers? Number sense! In other words, the primitive ability to recognize and represent amounts without using numerical symbols […]

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How Do We Apply Interleaving in Smartick?

How Do We Apply Interleaving in Smartick?

In an earlier post, we explained the difference between interleaving and blocked practice. Remember that interleaving (mixed practice) basically consists of organizing tasks by mixing different problems and exercises together in order to avoid solving problems in a mechanical way and instead stimulating the child to reflect on the strategy needed to solve each problem. […]

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Single Parent Families and Education Challenges

Single Parent Families and Education Challenges

With divorce on the rise and diverse family options, single parent families are becoming more common. Whether chosen or not, this is a challenge you face daily with all the obligations – job, education, economic and personal – that come with being a single parent taking care of everything. Sometimes it is not easy to […]

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The Importance of Learning from Mistakes

The Importance of Learning from Mistakes

Nowadays, mistakes are not accepted easily and are occasionally over penalized. Sometimes school assessments focus more on failures than on learning. I see it often with some children. The fear of making a mistake paralyzes them so much that they avoid participating in class for fear of making a mistake.  Despite phrases like ”we learn […]

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