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I want to learn about: Curiosities

Mathematics can be very fun if you understand its application in day-to-day life. Here you will find interesting topics and curiosities in mathematics adapted for elementary-age children to make learning math easier and more fun.


Do You Know What a Dozen Is?

Do You Know What a Dozen Is?

In this post, we are going to talk about what a dozen is and its relation to other concepts that I’m sure you have heard in math class before. What is a dozen? A dozen is twelve units of something in a collection together. So we can have dozens of things, for example, twelve eggs […]

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Practising Roman Numerals

Practising Roman Numerals

In today’s post, we’re going to do some exercises to help practise Roman numerals. Let’s go! If you want to review them before we start, take a look at one of our previous posts where we explain them in detail. The Current Year in Roman Numerals To start with, we’re going to do a very simple exercise: write […]

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What’s the Difference Between a European Billion and an American Billion?

We know that mathematical terms can vary across the world and that there are different units of measurement, decimal separators and division methods. In today’s post we’re going to talk about a subject that invokes some confusion: a billion in an Anglophone country such as the United States is not the same as a billion in a Hispanophone country like Spain, […]

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Decimal Separators: Points or Commas?

Decimal Separators: Points or Commas?

I’m sure you’re already familiar with decimal numbers, but have you ever wondered: “What’s the best symbol to separate them from integers? In today’s post we’re going to talk about this tiny symbol that we use so much, but which also changes depending on the country you might find it in! The International System of Units recognises two […]

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Transcoding Numbers

Transcoding Numbers

In today’s post we’re going to explain transcoding numbers. Our current numbering system is based on 10 numbers that we can represent both symbolically, with Arabic numbers (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) and verbally, written or spoken (one, two, three, four, five…). We have to take into account that due to […]

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The Road to STEM Education and Math Enlightment

The Road to STEM Education and Math Enlightment

Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education is becoming increasingly more relevant today, what with the continued innovations being developed in the aforementioned sectors. Unfortunately, the growth in these industries is severely limited by the lack of people working in these particular professional fields. CNN reports that only 16% of high school seniors end up […]

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Learn How to Use Roman Numerals

Did you know that there are other different numbering systems? Did you know that our numbers come from the Arabic numbering system? Before the Arabs brought their numbering system (the one we use today) to Europe, in ancient Rome, the Romans invented a numbering system that we still use for some things. They are what we call […]

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The Number Pi

The number Pi Is one of the most important mathematical constants and it indicates the relationship between the perimeter (L) and the diameter (D) of a circumference. So, L = pi x D The number Pi is an irrational number. In other words, it’s a number that can’t be expressed as a two whole-numbered fraction, which […]

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Learn the Origins of the Months in a Year

Learn the Origins of the Months in a Year

In today’s post, we will look at the origins of the months in a year. Throughout history, the act of telling time has been a necessity for human beings. Wanting to have more control over time, mankind took the approach of a chronological division of semantic time. We presume that an astronomical year lasts 365 days, […]

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