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Smartick: More Than Math, the Road to Independence


Getting Started Early

Parents want the best for their children and are always looking to prepare them for the future. Starting early never hurts. In fact, this is what Monica, Oh Happy Us founder, had in mind when she tried Smartick for her daughter. Gracie is in Pre-K and, like many parents, Monica was actively looking to prepare her for Kindergarten and teach independence. Little did Monica know that when she signed up with Smartick, she would be helping Gracie for the long run.

The Road to Independence

As Gracie worked through her sessions, Monica discovered that her daughter was gaining more than math skills. Initially, Gracie depended on mom quite a bit, having her read the questions while looking to her for confirmation. However, as Gracie worked through Smartick consistently, she realized that she was capable of doing it all on her own. Her efforts paid off as she gained independence and enjoyed the new and exciting feeling of resolving the exercises on her own. Even during challenging days, she tells Monica, ¨It’s OK Mama, I will try again tomorrow.¨ She’s been able to work through her math exercises without help, working through the problems, making mistakes, and solving them entirely on her own.

As Gracie works on her math skills, Monica revels in the new and exciting feeling in watching her daughter learn beyond what she signed up for. Because Smartick is more than just math. It’s inspiring confidence in our students.

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Fun is our brain’s favorite way of learning
Diane Ackerman
Smartick is a fun way to learn math
  • 15 fun minutes a day
  • Adapts to your child’s level
  • Millions of students since 2009
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Katrina Intal

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