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Learn How to Subtract without Regrouping

Hello and welcome back! Today we are going to learn how to subtract without regrouping. Are you ready?

Subtract Without Regrouping

We’re going to follow a few steps. If you follow them well, you’ll learn how to subtract without regrouping in no time:

  1. You need to place the subtrahend below the minuend so that the ones-place numbers fall in the same column.
  2. Now you have to subtract each column separately and in order, starting with the ones-place column.
  3. The last step is to place the answer of the subtractions below each one of the columns, and remember: always put it in order!

It’s easy, right? Let’s practice with an example:  

Subtract Without Regrouping

We need to write down 38 and below it, 15, making sure that the 5 is just below the 8.

Subtract Without Regrouping

We start off by subtracting the ones-place column: 8 – 5 = 3, and we write the 3 under the same column.

Now, let’s solve the 10s-place column: 3 – 1 = 2, and we write the 2 below the column.

As you can see above, the answer is 23.

That’s all for today, I hope you learned how to subtract without regrouping.

In the following link, you’ll learn more about regrouping:

Addition With Regrouping

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Diane Ackerman
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  • RonabelleNov 13 2020, 1:53 AM

    Thank you! This one is quite helpful.

  • KenJun 23 2019, 11:20 PM

    I am pleased with Smartick teaching ideas
