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Learn mathematics with Smartick. Exercises, tutorials, problems and teaching resources for children learning elementary mathematics. Here you will find posts about mathematics to make learning easier and more fun.


Learning Math in the Early Years

Learning Math in the Early Years

When thinking about math in the early years, math for little ones, we contemplate counting, first numbers, and acquiring numerical sequence. And indeed, it is at this stage where we begin to develop the ability to count. But these are not the only math topics that children can learn in the early years. There is […]

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Modeling Problems With Cubes

Modeling Problems With Cubes

At Smartick we are committed to incorporating manipulative materials into our learning method. Although virtual environments have some natural limitations when it comes to ”manipulating” the materials themselves, we have been able to adapt them to our method to maximize learning for the underlying concepts. You can find more information about the topic in this […]

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How to Find the Absolute Value of a Number

How to Find the Absolute Value of a Number

In today’s post, we are going to learn how to calculate the absolute value of a number with help from some of the exercises that we have in Smartick. The absolute value of a whole number coincides with its numerical value without having to think about the sign. It is represented with vertical bars around […]

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What Is a Fraction? Learn Everything There Is to Know!

What Is a Fraction? Learn Everything There Is to Know!

On the Smartick blog we have dedicated many entries to explaining what a fraction is, what types there are, how to do addition, subtraction, multiplication and division with them, equivalent fractions and much more! In today’s post, we are going to organize these entries to make it easier for you to find the content you […]

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Calculating the Area of Polygons

Calculating the Area of Polygons

In today’s post, I am going to show you some exercises we have recently incorporated into Smartick for calculating the area of polygons. For some time we have had exercises to practice the area of figures with small squares. The way to calculate the area of these figures is very simple because all you have […]

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What Is an Angle? How Is It Made?

What Is an Angle? How Is It Made?

In today’s post we are going to answer the question, what is an angle? To begin, it would be a good idea for you to review the following link where we have explained the concept of ”straight lines.” Types of Lines Now that you remember straight lines, let’s begin! In order to understand what an […]

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The Associative Property and Mental Math

The Associative Property and Mental Math

In today’s post, we will see how useful the associative property can be when we want to do mental math with addition and multiplication. To begin, I would recommend that you review these earlier posts from our blog about the associative property that could be very useful: Addition and Multiplication Multiplication What is the associative […]

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What Is Logic and Why Does My Child Need to Work on It?

What Is Logic and Why Does My Child Need to Work on It?

I’m sure that you are used to hearing phrases like ”it’s only logical that the road is wet after it rains” or ”Amy has a logical idea.” In both phrases, the term logic seems to indicate something more that exists, and even though it has not been said it makes whatever stated fact reasonable. So […]

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What is Factorial Decomposition?

What is Factorial Decomposition?

In today’s post we are going to answer the question, what is factorial decomposition? I hope that by the end of the post you’ll have it crystal clear. Definition of Factorial Decomposition We are going to start by remembering what a ”factor” is in mathematics. A factor is every number that is multiplied by another. […]

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